Caturday September 19


This is Mika. When we first got him, we called him Mika Kittensoft. But now that he’s grown, he’s Mika Cattinen. The unholy mess you see surrounding this new kitten is me putting all the Christmas decorations away.

His momma was a barn cat and his daddy was a stud Siamese who got out of the house one night … half DSH, half Siamese and all noise. That’s our Meekers.

Mika was a gift – not something I’d reccommend to anyone, btw. Animals make very very bad surprise gifts. The shelters are full enough.

Caturday September 12


This is Barlow. He loves him some boxes. I put the label on after he’d spent most of a Sunday lounging in the box from my new boots. (That’s me hand-writing on the box, not a photochop, btw)